Monday, February 20, 2012

The Shake Down Cruise

Or for you non-military folks the Maiden Voyage...

She is all waxed up and ready to go!

Stu's and his hillbilly mirror "the cat".

So here we are at the Weston Lake Recreation Area, if you can read the sign it reads "Victory Starts Here".  This place is run by Fort Jackson...Army.

I guess they knew we were coming...

And here we are all set up...with electric, water, sewer, cable TV and Internet.

Even Kitty was able to get out and explore a little.

The campground has nice looking lakeside cabins...

Weston Lake is man made.

Complete with boat ramp and rentals.

Ducks landing.

A nice (unused) beach, of course it's February...

We've heard this lake is well stocked with fish, but later we found two fishermen with high hopes and empty buckets.

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