Thursday, September 24, 2009

Gaeta, Italy

Stu had to do some work in Gaeta today, it's about an hour or so North of us. I say "or so" because the traffice is always a nightmare! So I went along for the ride (and lunch!). We met up with Paolo for a cappuccino and we were off...

Not the ideal day to be in Gaeta, it's a beautiful old fishing town, great views on a sunny day...not so much today!
Ahhhhhhh, as soon as we finally win the lottery....

After Stu and Paolo got some work out of the way, we broke for lunch right down the road from the port.

After lunch I sent Stu off to take a picture of the cute little tug boat he was doing some work on... this is what my little engineer came back with, a picture of the engine!

When we got back we stopped by our friend's Larry and Rosa's place in Monte di Procida, they have a great view too!

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