Saturday, September 12, 2009

Orte, Italy

As I said when we go up this morning we could hardly move the beds in San Gimignano were so hard! Just the though of sleeping on yet another European luxury bed was enough to bring tears to our eyes! So we decided to head home. There is another hill top city along the highway that we see all the time, and keep saying that we want to stop, but never do...well today's the day!

This is Orte, it's half way between Rome and Orvietto, about 1/2 an hour from each

The day we were there, they were having a big festival the Saint'Egidio Abate's Day and Ottava of Saint'Egidio. A Medieval festival with shows, fairs, conventions, seminaries of study, art exhibitions of art and archery competitions like the "Palio", contented by the archers of the Seven Contrade, which are the different neighborhoods. So walking through the streets, each family had their flag flying high. But of course since it was lunch time, I think we may have seen two other people walking around, I guess they were all sleeping getting rested up for the evening events.

We had lunch at La Groticella

The food was good and the staff were very friendly and helpful!

We chose the local menu

Pane caldo all' olio - toasted bread with olive oil and tomato juice

Gnocchi with salt, pepper and cheese

Filetto Speziato, Insalatina Balsamica
Cafe Sorbet

This was right next to our table, pretty cool! The young girl that was serving us gave us a phamplet for the underground tours. As with most hill top towns, they too have an underground area...ahhhh a reason to come back!

More flags...

This is the piazza where all the competitions take place

In the middle of the pizza there were stairs, we though it would lead to the underground, but instead it was a cistern, not sure if I would want any water out of here, but I'm sure people still do!

A beautiful roof top, what a view they must have!

Still more flags...

This is the view from the top
Here we go, hitting the road again, homeward bound!

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