So we changed our minds again... after getting all kinds of information on Florence everything and everyone said that, as with most big cities, there is no place to park. And since we are in the Infinity A.K.A "the Bat Mobile" we decided to skip it this time around and take the train up next month. So we are off to San Gimignano!
This guy was holding up traffic, once we saw what he was hauling (grapes)...all was forgiven! Tis the season!

This is one of the many gates leading up to the historic center, and what a beautiful day! Not too hot and not a clound in the sky!

This is the hotel we stayed at... L' Antico Pozzo
Which means "The Old Well"

And, it explains why this is in the lobby...

This is the view from our room, the hotel was nice enough, good location, but the beds were horrible!

A little courtyard in the hotel

Stu enjoying a glass of the local vino

This was my first course, Ribolita... It's a really thick beans, greens and bread soup, it was great!

Stu had the pappardelle with wild boar ragu...he loved it, me...not so much.

And to finish it all off we had what they call "Cafe con Mosca", which literaly means coffee with flies...Obviously this isn't coffee and those aren't flies (actually, I wish it had been...) it was grappa with coffee beans.

Church in another piazza were all the locals and tourists gather

This is the cute little main Piazza, lots of restaurants, ice cream shops and souviner shops...What more could you want?

A little shop selling local goodies...including wild boar

There were neat little passageways like this one all over

Ahhhh, the view!

Stu under the Tuscan Sun...hee hee!

And me too!

It was so nice to be able to walk down the street without doing the Naples two-step around the trash!

The church and tower as the sun fades away

We had dinner here, not so good...but then they all can't be winners!

When we got up the next morning, or at least tried to, we were both crippled! The bed was so hard, we could barely get going! We had big plans of climbing one of the many towers in the city, but just couldn't do it! Ouch!

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