Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ahhh, Let There Be Progress!

Well, we sure did get off to a rough start this week, but I think we've found our groove...kind of.

The stone masons have finished, for the most part, the front of the house.

The roof has finally arrived! 

And has started to go up...

More gravel was dropped in the courtyard in preparation for the cement slab.

The mud bees have been busy as well!  But the clock is ticking...and shortly they will be covered by insulation and sheet rock.  Hee hee!

The lighting for the kitchen is wired.

This is the kitchen/great room side of the house and it's almost done too.

This is the main entrance leading into the kitchen.  We just need the doors and windows...still. 

This is a better shot to see the actually color of the roofing along the right edge.

This is as far as they got today, the material didn't arrive until two this afternoon and had to be offloaded from the truck flatbed.  In the end it was a good day and tomorrow will be better!

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