Monday, July 12, 2010

Minor Setback...

Well, Mother Nature really got us good today...not to mention it's Monday!  The plumber and siders didn't show up and it, make that "the sky opened up"...

It absolutely poured for hours.

This was taken early in the storm, it was still a "gentle" rain then, but you can still see the puddles starting on the driveway.

Stu and I left around noon, and apparently the stone masons left right behind us it was raining so hard!  But as true to form, a couple hours later...the sun was shining bright and not a cloud in the sky.  This is the aftermath...

The electrical masthead fell into the ditch.

The ditch we dug to take on the over flow from our neighbors driveway is almost full, again.

The ditch that was dug for the electrical going to the house  partially collapsed and eroded.

One of our electricians actually fell in...

This was as far as the masons were able to get.

And worst of all, we have several swimming pools throughout the house, which means our crawlspace is wet, again...

This is Sweetie, she belongs to our neighbors and came to visit us Saturday night.  What a cutie!

We'll see what tomorrow holds for us...

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