Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tuesday's Events

Stu was the cameraman today, I was on the road...Home Depot, Lowes and I think everywhere in between!  It was a busy day for both of us.  More rain today, but at least it didn't start until about 3 this afternoon.

The East side of house is just about done with stone.

But everywhere else around the house is a disaster... I realize it's a building site, but wow, what a mess!

And still ditches everywhere...

This is the view from the guest bedroom.

And from the master bedroom...all we need now is windows.

We are expecting a really, really busy day tomorrow with a cast of thousands...  Electricians, plumbers, carpenters, roofers, masons, excavators, guys for the siding and soffits and the gas company again.  I'm going to have to get Stu a whistle to direct traffic!

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