Monday, August 30, 2010

Here We Go Again!

Another week...  The sheet rockers are done, they blew the ceiling with a light texture and did a final sand of the walls and it looks great!  We start painting tomorrow! 

When I got back to the cabin this morning I found this...  I keep a bag of bread on a chair outside for the peacocks that wander by a couple of times a day.  We also have lots of squirrels in the area...was the bag chewed or pecked?  You make the call...


Are you looking at me??

Jeff came back (bless his heart!) to help with yet another rock wall...

Break time, Stu, Mike and Jeff lounging by the "Man Machine".

This was today's project, right in front of the house.

And, finally able to fill in the area right in front of the porch, now all we need is grass!

Almost done and it looks great!!

This is the unfinished end, to be continued...(after the Ben-Gay takes effect)

1 comment:

  1. Looking good....when can we expect some landscaping??
