Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Stacking Rocks

Jeff came to help us again today with his neat toy the "Man Machine"...and boy did they do great things!

Stu playing king of the hill...  They built up the back corner of the patio against the garage with a really nice looking retaining wall.

With that corner by the apartment filled in, our square footage on the patio has increased significantly!

We laid the first "steps" we plan to sprinkle around the porch.

All of the sheet rock is up, tomorrow they start the "mudding" process, which is filling in all the cracks and screw holes.

As you can see we still have lots of rocks left!

Stu thinks the sheet rockers will be done by the end of the week...so maybe we can start with the tile next week!!  How exciting, closer and closer everyday!!

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