Tuesday, August 17, 2010


We had a busy day (as usual)!  Our friend Jeff (who, along with his wife Kate at Smoky Mountain Cast Stone, made all of our stone on the house) came by to move some of the boxes of stone off to the side of the yard so we can start to clean up the driveway.

On top of that, the propane tank is arriving tomorrow, weather permitting, so in order to get the side of the garage ready we made big piles of rock into little piles...  We have so much rock and we are also trying to keep the erosion down to a minimum, so we are "rock wrapping" everything. 

See that huge pile off in the distance...we are moving that pile all around the house, one stone at a time...ouch!!  Ok, not entirely, we do have Stu's cute little tractor to help, but still...

This is the side of the garage where the propane tank will sit.

When we couldn't take anymore rock moving, Stu moved on to grooming the driveway.

And I dug the ditch for the drain pipe along the garage.

There's that stupid pile of rocks again...  But the driveway is looking better!

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