Friday, August 6, 2010

The Sound Of Silence...Almost.

The only sub-contractor working today was the painter, who is nice and quiet...  Stu, Mike and I spent a good part of the day cleaning up.  The outside of the house is pretty much done, so we can start working on where we want to put things like the driveway.

Yahooo!  We have A/C!  That will come in handy next week, it's supposed to be really hot again.

There was a problem with the pillar for the guest porch so we had them take it down, just waiting to be put back together.

The back side of the house is all done and looks great.

The gray is a little darker than we expected, but it's starting to grow on us...

Ahhhh, finally, things are looking better and cleaner.

This is our project for tomorrow, more cleaning...  I can't wait to get some grass and plants in, I'm getting tired of dirt!

I really need to take this shot again in the morning so I'm not looking directly into the sun.  Looks great though!

Another fire...

We'll have the weekend to do some more cleaning and catching up and the staining of the windows and doors begins on Monday!

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