Saturday, October 30, 2010


 Well...the plan was to get all of our shipment on Thursday and Friday...Revision 5: change 16...  They only have a small truck to bring our stuff in so we have 15 crates total to be delivered and the can only deliver 4 at a time, we received 4 on Thursday and 4 on Friday...You do the math.

It's actually not that bad though, they are gone by noon and we have the rest of the day to get organized for the next day, unfortunately the majority of the boxes are for the kitchen...which isn't done yet.

This is Thursdays pile, it's much worse now...

The worse part of the whole thing is we aren't getting things in "order".  We got lamp shades, no lamps, one of each chair, night stands, no beds...crazy!

My bacchus (god of wine) did make it in great shape!

So far so good, nothing broken...

And the two big events of oven is now working (yahoo!) and we got the "countertops" on, just the first layer, but it's something!  The tile guys will start the tile for that on Monday.

And we did get the kitchen table with 4 out of 6's a good start.  Unfortunately the top is so scratched and in poor condition I can't stand to look at it!  I'm so happy this is the last time we'll have to move and of this stuff!!

And the fall colors continue...

Fortunately we did get most of our bed, enough so that we don't have to sleep on an air mattress any more, yahoo!!  I don't think either one of our backs could have taken another night on that!!  And the saga continues on Monday...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Moving Right Along!

The master bath is done except for the glass block for the shower and that should go up tomorrow.

The shower door is in too.

And we had more of our cabinets delivered and installed this morning...Still need door and drawer fronts and hardware, but at least we can start to work on the tile for the counter tops.

The mural of Naples is up and looks great...ahhhhh Bella Napoli!

Stu and I went this afternoon to pick out and order the granite for the island top, can't wait to see it in!!

Stu just took this from the couch...Nice!

And we have grass...not quite ready to be cut yet, but soon!!

Tomorrow, with any luck we'll get the oven and washer/dryer working and get a few more of our cabinets for the rest of the house...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Leaf Peeping

We are finally in our new house!  Friday night was our first official night here, sleeping on an air mattress and fortunately Stu had a couch in his storage that he had sent from Seattle.  We don't have much more than that, until this coming Thursday when our big shipment comes.  Things here will be, as they are right now, a mess for a while, but that's ok!! 

The weather has been beautiful!!  We took a quick ride this morning to take a few pictures of the changing leaves...

These two are at the end of our driveway.

We finally got our carpet in on Friday too and a fire in the nice!!

Be somebody!!  Yahooo!  Our very own mailbox!

Another busy week ahead, but at least we are in!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Our cabinets have started to come in!

No doors or shelves yet...

But there is more to come.

The plumber started getting the bathrooms together...  Yahooo, the first of many!

The master shower is almost done, still needs to be grouted but I think the door is going in tomorrow.

The shower door in the guest bath went in today and looks great!

We finally have a door knob and lock on one of our doors!  Now if we can just get the rest of the doors fixed we'll be all set.

Unfortunately, our plans have changed...again.  Our furniture is now coming on the 28th, they said that their truck broke down and our carpet is late too...ARRRRGH!  So, hopefully we will have carpet by Friday and one way or another we will be "moving" into the house.   On a positive note we will have more time to get a few more things in order before our things show up.  The plumber should be back tomorrow and with any luck we will have a working more Port-a-Potty!!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

5 Days And Counting...

Another bit of local flavor:  I know that Jesus loves me, Jesues must be a local...

The lights on the side of the garage are up, we put them on a photocell so they come on when it gets dark.  They work and look great!

The trim in the office is almost done.

Yesterday I went to a food show in Knoxville with our neighbor Gayla.  They were featuring food from a local grocery store including this product...

Stu got the grass and straw down yesterday.  They say 10-12 days we should see some grass coming up, how exciting!

The master bath is coming together, just a few more days of work to go... Can't wait to get it cleaned up!

Our shower door came in so those will be going in next week as well.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Happy Birthday!!  Stu's birthday was Sunday...10-10-10!  And how did the birthday boy celebrate?  How else, but moving rocks...

We finally finished the rock wall by the garage.

The concrete guys came back to "fix" the courtyard...I think it started to bubble up even before they left the driveway.  Those pretty sparkles are really bubbles... 

Our trees are just now starting to change, should be peak next week or so.

The post have finally gone up in the office and we are really close to having one room done...uuggh!

We have given up on the sod, and will be throwing grass seeds down in the next day or so.

Stu planted the cranberry bush, the hope is it will eventually hide the HVAC unit.

I think we have found the perfect spot for the roses! 

Taa Daa!!  My oven has made it safe and sound into the kitchen, not fully into position yet, but the worst part is's in the house!

We've been running off "borrowed" Internet since the beginning of the month, which explains the lack of postings.  Our carpet is now going in on the 20th and our furniture is now scheduled for the 21st.  There was a lot of action yesterday, more doors and base boards going up as well as the tile in the master bath.  We should be in pretty good shape by next week, lots and lots to do before then though! 

Friday, October 8, 2010


 It's slow, but at least we are seeing some kind of progress!  The kick boards in the great room are up and they have a good start on the wood trim.

The guest bath was grouted yesterday and looks amazing!  Just a few more bits and pieces, like a shower door for starters and that room will be done.  I've heard rumors of the plumber showing up on Monday...that would be nice!

Almost all of our interior doors have been hung, they just need to be stained now.

Roses!  We picked these up the other day, after a little pleading on my part, Ok, maybe a lot of pleading!  Stu isn't a big fan of roses, he thinks they are high maintenance.  I hear regular roses are, but these are a fairly new variety called "Double Knock-Out" they are supposed to be much hardier and easier to grow.

Either way...they are beautiful!  We just need to find the perfect spot for them.

Our watermelon is doing really well!  Unfortunately, with the temps dropping down into the 30's at night, it's not going to be around much longer...

I saw this on my way back from Sevierville yesterday...I guess someone isn't a big fan of E-mail! Too funny!

Our home phone "should" be hooked up today at the house, assuming the electrician comes out to install the outlets.  We had the insulation in the ceiling blown in yesterday, so now the whole house is fully insulated.  The heat and air guys "should" be back today to do a little re-wiring.  The sub-contractor that sealed the concrete on the courtyard "should" be back today to fix that (the day after it was covered with bubbles and then turned milky).  We have lots of "should's" today, we'll see!