Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fall Has Arrived!

Finally, it is starting to feel like Fall!  The nights are in the 40's and the days in the mid 70's...perfect!  This is my favorite time of year. 

Our neighbors silly peacocks found their way to our back porch...  I usually feed them bread from the front porch, maybe they think there are two "givers of bread", one in the front and one in the back. 

We finally had our courtyard and guest porch finished, pressure washed and sealed.  This is the before shot... Filthy!

Taa Daa! 

And the courtyard.

Our kitchen, hallway and office tiles are now grouted, filthy, but grouted.

My folks gave us these two great rocking chairs as a housewarming presents...  Retired...check, rocking chairs...check!

We also got the mandatory porch swing, can't wait to hang it up!

We have had a delay in getting our kitchen cabinets and still have yet to order our carpet...and are now less than two weeks to the new delivery date for our furniture.  Let's hope for a productive week...

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