Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Happy Birthday!!  Stu's birthday was Sunday...10-10-10!  And how did the birthday boy celebrate?  How else, but moving rocks...

We finally finished the rock wall by the garage.

The concrete guys came back to "fix" the courtyard...I think it started to bubble up even before they left the driveway.  Those pretty sparkles are really bubbles... 

Our trees are just now starting to change, should be peak next week or so.

The post have finally gone up in the office and we are really close to having one room done...uuggh!

We have given up on the sod, and will be throwing grass seeds down in the next day or so.

Stu planted the cranberry bush, the hope is it will eventually hide the HVAC unit.

I think we have found the perfect spot for the roses! 

Taa Daa!!  My oven has made it safe and sound into the kitchen, not fully into position yet, but the worst part is over...it's in the house!

We've been running off "borrowed" Internet since the beginning of the month, which explains the lack of postings.  Our carpet is now going in on the 20th and our furniture is now scheduled for the 21st.  There was a lot of action yesterday, more doors and base boards going up as well as the tile in the master bath.  We should be in pretty good shape by next week, lots and lots to do before then though! 

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