Wednesday, October 6, 2010


As I've said before, at the rate we are going we'll have the outside done before the inside...  There isn't much that Stu and I can do inside like tile and cabinets, so we are working on the yard.

We picked up a few trees and bushes yesterday to sprinkle around the yard...

This is an American Cranberry Bush (Tree).  The nursery just about gave it needs lost of TLC and the perfect location.  I looked it up on the Internet and it looks like it gets bigger and wider than we thought. 

We got a couple Japanese Bamboo Grass bushes.

This is a Purple Flowering Plum

And two Aristocrat Flowering Pears for the upper driveway.

We were measured for carpet yesterday and as of this morning we are still planning to have the furniture delivered next Thursday.  That, of course all depends on when the carpet can be installed, so we may be pushing that date back (again).  We still don't have any cabinets and not sure when we'll see them...Arrrrgh!

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