Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Our cabinets have started to come in!

No doors or shelves yet...

But there is more to come.

The plumber started getting the bathrooms together...  Yahooo, the first of many!

The master shower is almost done, still needs to be grouted but I think the door is going in tomorrow.

The shower door in the guest bath went in today and looks great!

We finally have a door knob and lock on one of our doors!  Now if we can just get the rest of the doors fixed we'll be all set.

Unfortunately, our plans have changed...again.  Our furniture is now coming on the 28th, they said that their truck broke down and our carpet is late too...ARRRRGH!  So, hopefully we will have carpet by Friday and one way or another we will be "moving" into the house.   On a positive note we will have more time to get a few more things in order before our things show up.  The plumber should be back tomorrow and with any luck we will have a working bathroom...no more Port-a-Potty!!!

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