Sunday, October 24, 2010

Leaf Peeping

We are finally in our new house!  Friday night was our first official night here, sleeping on an air mattress and fortunately Stu had a couch in his storage that he had sent from Seattle.  We don't have much more than that, until this coming Thursday when our big shipment comes.  Things here will be, as they are right now, a mess for a while, but that's ok!! 

The weather has been beautiful!!  We took a quick ride this morning to take a few pictures of the changing leaves...

These two are at the end of our driveway.

We finally got our carpet in on Friday too and a fire in the nice!!

Be somebody!!  Yahooo!  Our very own mailbox!

Another busy week ahead, but at least we are in!!

1 comment:

  1. Yihaaaaaaaa!!!! Now I can start writing you!!!!! Looks like regular emil does not get to you :-( House is looking awsome!!!! Glad to see the tiles up! You guys look great as well!!! Did you ever get the vanilla and corks??? we DID crop sweet potatoes!!! One shopping bag, but will do better next year!!! Miss you tooooooo much! Angela.
