Saturday, December 5, 2009

Around Town

Yesterday we went for a drive to Pigeon Forge which is the next town down from Sevierville.  Wow, talk about a tourist trap!  It's too bad we don't like country music, we'd be in heaven!!

This little cutie was in the parking lot at the hotel, a PT Cruiser disguised at Rudolph...kind of hard to see, but it's got antlers and a red nose!  So cute!

The Comedy Barn, with the Western Store to the left... Like I said, country!  Maybe it will grow on us!

We did find Carino's Italian restaurant...we were afraid to go in.  Somehow I don't think it will be the same going without our good friends Paolo and Dario, we'll just have to wait until I get a kitchen....

But there is lots of stuff to do here.  We are really looking forward to coming back!

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