Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Last few days in the PNW tour...

We spent our last few days in the Pacific Northwest dodging rain bullets and visiting family.

Stu and his sister Nancy.

This is how Matt and Laurie's tree started out...

Ty did a great job picking out the tree, it just needed a little tweaking...

We did get a little sightseeing in...  We took the ferry from Edmonds, which is North of Seattle over to Kingston, which is on the Kitsap pennisula.

We were on our way to see the "Troll House", this guy has a great imagination!

He has trolls holding up each corner of the barn.

This is the house he built.

These fenceposts line his road.

Very cool!

The gate to his property, reminds me of a fence we saw in Barcelona by Gaudi.

We had lunch at a local icon...The Cloverleaf...A great pizza joint!  It was really good, altough still second rate compared to an Italian pizza, but still very good!


Happy Grandpa and an awake Logan.

They should really make these for adults, I know I'd get one!!!

Mom, Dad, Gradpa and Logan.

Three generations of Allen men...Matt, Logan, Stu and Tyler

Those of you that know me, know this is possibly the first picture ever of me with a baby...  But not the last, he's a cutie!

We leave bright and really early tomorrow morning for Boston then to Maine for Christmas with my family! 

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