Sunday, December 27, 2009

Rained out...

Well, we had big plans a walking tour, check out the USS Constitution, wander through the North End (Little Italy)...  But this is what we found downtown.  Lots and lots of rain...

The walking tour was cancelled so we did get to walk through Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market.  Both have shops and every type of food you could ever want! 

A statue of Samuel Adams in front of Faneuil Hall.

So we are back at the hotel, resting up for the trip tomorrow.  It shouldn't be as bad as on the way over here, we are connecting through Paris.  Probably the only way I'll ever get Stu to France...  Although with the new security measures, who knows!  We'll be home on the 29th.

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas! From the looks of it, you guys had a wonderful time. Logan is so cute, it makes me want to have a baby. Your dad looks good. Give Stu a big, wet, juicy kiss for me. Love you guys and miss you dearly,
