Friday, December 11, 2009

Bend (Oregon) or bust!!

When we left the hotel this morning the gas light came on, when I punched in the nearest gas station into our TomTom (GPS), it said the closest one was 62 miles away!!  EEeeeeek!  Let me tell you it was the longest 62 miles, ever!  For the last 30 miles we slowed down to 45 miles an hour and coasted down hill whenever possible...but, if you can believe it, we made it....whew!  We got out of the car and did high fives with the gas station crew!  How can there not be a gas station on a "major" road for 62 miles!!!  But the scenery was beautiful...

Like Stu said...miles and miles of miles and miles...

When we got to our savior of a gas station, the guy recommended going to the Black Bear off we went!  It was a cute little place with some great ideas for the house.

We were so happy we made it to the gas station, we were giddy!

We thought we were hungry, but wow, whoever eats all of this food should get an award!  We didn't get an award today!

There were cute little carved bears all over.

Another great idea for our house!

We checked in to the Seventh Mountain Resort and so far it's really nice.  Self contained, they have restaurants and a bar, a small grocery store and an ice rink...  enough to keep us out of trouble for a week.  Let the campout start...

Now this is what I envisioned Washington and Oregon to look like!  This is the view from our balcony.

We saw the weather report and it's a good thing we have lots of vino and food...bring on the snow!

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